Healing Gemstones

What are healing crystals/gemstones?
I wrote an intro post called Do crystals contain healing powers. Click here.
After further research I have found that different crystals vibrate or resonate at different frequencies,meaning if we need emotional healing we can choose a crystal with a vibration known to sooth emotional trauma. The same applies for physical, mental, and even spiritual healing.
How do I take care of my healing crystals/gemstones?
-Storage: Any where! On a shelf or table, in a bag or box. Wherever you feel comfortable keeping them. Display them or put them away. The choice is yours. I have some on my desk, some in display cabinets, and some in my purse.

If you are using your crystals/gems regularly you will need to clean them at least once every other month. This is to ensure that the negative energies they are absorbing are cleansed away. This is not only a healing ritual but a feng shui practice as well. If you are planning to use your crystal but have not used them in a while I also suggest cleansing them. This will allow them to vibrate at the highest frequency possible, which is where the healing takes place.

  • Cleansing: Place crystals/gems in a glass jar or bowl with lid. Pour water with sea salt over the crystals. Pace your jar or bowl outside during a new moon. Dry your crystals off.
  • Tuning: Carry them on your person, in a pocket preferably, for 24 hours.
  • Use: Use as directed or as you feel intuitively led.
Please find my full list of crystals/gemstones below. This list will continue to grow and I will link blog posts to this page as I write them.

  • Quartz crystal:
    • Zodiac: All
    • Main property: Clearing negative energy, spiritual connection.
  • Rose Quartz:
    • Zodiac: Scorpio
    • Main property: healing-love, love.
  • Amethyst:
    • Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Virgo
    • Main property: Cuts through illusion, helpful with sobriety, enhances psychic ability, and levels emotions.
  • Tigers Eye:
    • Zodiac: Gemini
    • Main property: grounding/balancing, understanding, and financial abundance.
  • Turquoise:
    • Core property: Purification - dispelling negativity, anxiety, panic. 
    • Zodiac Alignment: Sagittarius

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