What is an essential oil?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Essential oils are a huge part of mine and Robert's life. We have so many bottles and use them for so many things from health and wellness to cleaning. I always carry several bottles with me and love engaging in conversation with others who know the benefits. I am a self admitted oil-head. ;)

I'm sure you have heard about them, there are so many companies out there marketing their brand and saturating the market with them. More and more people are becoming interested in the power of these natural oils. I would like to give you a brief overview of what they are, what you would use them for, and how to have success when using them.

What is an essential oil? (My view)
Essential oils are the life essence of a plant. Each plant has its own defense system against the environment allowing it to thrive. It also has many healing properties - so many in fact that for most plants all of the healing properties have not yet been identified. I like to call this the soul essence of a plant. Essential oils are a result of distilling this essence and bottling it.

Okay Google: What is an essential oil?
es·sen·tial oil
əˈsen(t)SHəl oil/
  1. a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted.

Essential oils used in personal wellness recipes. 

How to use essential oils:
There are three ways that we can benefit from essential oils:
  • Internally
  • Topically
  • Aromatically
Internally: In my home we cook with essential oils. Because the oils are so volatile (meaning to change state quickly) we are careful to add them in at the right time. See Recipes with Rob for examples. We also add one drop - trust me two drops can be too much - in the bottom of a glass or stainless steel cup and then fill with water. We enjoy all of the citrus oils this way and I will use Frankincense this way from time to time. Internal use of essential oils should be done carefully. Meaning, if you are going to take an essential oil internally please verify that the oil is pure and not intended to be used as a scent. If the bottle says not intended for internal use - don't test it. Not all oils are created equal and I only use oils internally that I know are safe.

Topically: This is the application of oils on the skin. There are many ways to do this. Including: Creating your own wellness products which contain essential oils, creating a roller blend to roll on, adding essential oils to unscented lotion or a carrier oil, or applying neat (meaning no dilution) when appropriate.* When you apply oils topically it only takes around thirty seconds for the healing properties to enter your blood stream.

Aromatically: This consists of diffusing oils. You do not need a fancy diffuser to benefit from diffusing. I have even applied oils to the ends of my hair or on felt strips to enjoy the aromatic benefits of essential oils. You can purchase diffuser jewelry as well. If you are using a diffuser typically you will fill the diffuser with water and add in 3-6 drops of oils; Whether you are using a single oil or a combination of oils will determine the number of drops you would use. I use no more than three drops of any one oil. They are super potent (meaning having great affect) and the scent will be powerful even at three drops. Diffusing breaks up the oil in to tiny aromatic compounds dispersing the oil into the air helping to purify the air and any surfaces it may touch. 

Blending oils for personal needs is a very powerful way to benefit from them. 
How to use essential oils properly:
  • Make sure your oils are pure. (If you are lost in the great sea of essential oil companies email me and I'll tell you about my favorite brand.)
  • Store your oils outside of direct sunlight. A bag, box, or cabinet will do. 
  • Educate yourself. There are so many helpful references out there. I have an amazing Facebook group dedicated to education and essential oil community. Ask me to join!
  • Trust your instinct. While there is an immense amount of science behind why the oils are so beneficial your body knows what it needs to heal. I cannot count the number of times that I was really attracted to an oil and began using it as a perfume - just to find out later that an issue I was dealing with was directly related to the properties of the oil I had been using. 
  • Less is more. Most times I only need one drop. If I am making a 4 oz recipe I may use 10 drops.
I hope this post was helpful. Please reach out if you have any questions about what I have written or about where I get my essential oils. 

Thanks for reading and be well!

*Most pure essential oils may be applied neat. Please research your oils before applying without dilution. Some, such as oregano, must be diluted.

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